Teddy Bear Painting Workshop a Creative Success!
Our Free Teddy Bear Painting activity went above and beyond our expectations!
A massive thanks to everyone who came to our Free Teddy Bear Painting Workshop this week, held on Monday 8th & Tuesday 9th July.
Our July School Holiday activity - A 2-day Teddy Bear Painting Workshop held outside of Coles, was such a success! We had more customers and children than expected - running out of Teddy Bears after only the first 1.5 hours! Luckily, we had plenty of other fun options available and more teddy bears ready for Day 2!
Two days of creativity, painting and meeting with new people from areas around Forest Lakes, and kids painting together in all ages.
We would love to hear what you liked about this activity, leave us a Google review and don’t forget to tag any photos on social media - @forestlakessc
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